
Today I feel beyond blessed for my family. As a 26 year old woman, I realized today that I have never asked my parents to tell me their story of growing up. Both of them came from tough, broken can I even begin to truly understand and love them without knowing these details? So, I asked my mom.

My respect, love, and adoration for her has grown. I can't wait to ask my dad now.

So, here's a tribute to my family...the greatest earthly blessing. I'm grateful and humbled in ways I could never vocally express...or even express in words. God is so gracious.

My precious niece. Crazy about her.

My parents. Married almost 30 years!

My little brother. Love this guy!

My nephew, John Andrew. Cutest 6 year old in the world!

Faith Elisabeth - this 2 year old brings joy to everyone's lives!

Andrew, Grace, Timothy, and I. Siblings. :)

My girl.

Love this boy so much!

My crazy momma. The most amazing woman I know!

John Andrew. <3

My daddy. I'll always be his little girl.

We have fun :)

Most precious little family!


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