All the single ladies...put your hands up!
Yep. I just said that.
But right now- I'm talking specifically to single women.
We live in a Christian culture that sometimes fears that elephant in the room. The elephant being the fact that there are so many dang single people, and the age of those singles is getting higher. Somewhere along the way, desiring marriage automatically became an idolatry issues. Somehow we've missed the fact that marriage is instituted by God for His glory and our good. It's a beautiful gospel representation. It is GOOD. It is to be desired. Don't place that desire above your desire to know Him and don't allow it to breed discontentment. But if that desire is birthed out of godliness, please feel no shame in that. It is a good desire.
Singleness is hard- I know. And that's okay that it's hard. Hear me when I say that- it's ok. It's okay that there are nights that are so hard you don't know what else to do but cry out to God. Continue to do that. Cry to Him. Plead with Him. Confess your fears to Him. Ask Him for the things you desire. He longs to hear you. It's okay that you're lonely. The Lord oftentimes uses loneliness to create a deeper intimacy, and that is a beautiful thing. Confess your loneliness to Him and watch as He moves in powerful ways. It's okay that you feel weak when you see a godly man serving the Lord. Praise God there are godly men to be an example of His work. Thank the Lord for that. Thank Him that your heart hasn't been hardened or jaded by the world. Lay those feelings as His feet and allow Him to care for your heart. It's okay that your heart stings with each new wedding you're a part of. There is a really hard- but beautiful - sanctification that plays out in those moments. Don't miss the opportunities to rejoice with your sisters as they rejoice. In that, you will get the chance to share the selfless love of Christ. And it's worth it.
Open your Bible. Read these following truths found in Scripture and allow the Lord to speak to you. Listen to His voice and be warmed by His love and care.
- You are known. [Psalm 139. Isaiah 49:15-16. Psalm 31:14-15. Psalm 56:8. Psalm 73:23-26. Lamentations 3:31-33. ]
- You are loved. [Isaiah 53-54. Psalm 32:7. Psalm 59:16-17. Psalm 100. Romans 5:8. Zephaniah 3:17. Romans 8:31-39]
- You are desired. [Isaiah 55:1. Psalm 27:10. Matthew 11:27-30. Galatians 4:1-7. 1 Peter 2:9-10.]
- You have purpose. [Acts 17:24-28. 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. Psalm 16:11. Psalm 30:11-12.]
- You are heard. [Psalm 5:3. Psalm 9:9-10. Psalm 34:18. Psalm 63:5-8. Psalm 116:1-2. Romans 8:26.]
In your struggle and in your wrestle, don't lose sight of the beauty of knowing Him and making Him known. There is no greater joy. In your pain and in your loneliness, don't become selfish. Take your eyes off of yourself and seek to serve the body of Christ. Find younger women who are also struggling and comfort them with the same comfort you've been given. (2 Corinthians 1) Don't ever forget the grand story you've been invited into. It's much bigger than you and your singleness. Praise God He hears and knows- these are beautiful truths. Take those truths and pour the gospel into others. I pray you would confidently say:
I have tasted and seen, God, that You are good...
[Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Psalm 34:8]
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