Does He hear me?
I find great comfort in the God breathed words of King David in the Book of Psalms. I feel like he "gets" me, and I know I'm not the only one. In those precious chapters, you see a God-fearing man struggle with his sin, you see him passionately pursue his Maker, you see him fight for holiness, you see him wrestle with loneliness, depression, fear, and doubt, and you see him in ecstatic joy.
I read those words and I'm comforted. I'm comforted because I know I'm not alone and I get to see the progression of a man's sanctification and the Lord's faithfulness to him. I'm comforted because I see the might, sovereignty, and love of God as He graciously handles David.
Sometimes I doubt the Lord hears me. If we're honest, we all do. There are nights that are just so hard; I pray and He doesn't answer. I cry and no one holds me. I ache and the pain doesn't go away. When I allow myself to sink into the pit of that pain, I'm left in this utter dark loneliness. And it's not fun. Just tonight I was talking to the Lord and just cried asking Him why He wasn't listening to a specific prayer of mine. I confessed that I felt like my words fell on deaf ears. It's nights like I had earlier tonight and like I've had in the past, I refer to as "dark nights of the soul." We all have them. David had them over and over in the Psalms. But God never left him alone in that, and He never leaves us alone.
His kindness leads me to repentance...and as His daughter, it doesn't take Him long to sweetly speak to me and lovingly remind me of His promises, that never waver or fade- regardless of my circumstances and regardless of my "feelings" (which we're told in Jeremiah are deceptive). He is faithful. I have no right to question Him or doubt Him, yet He hears me and comforts me. He tenderly speaks to me, holds my tears, and listens to my deepest pains and greatest fears. He confronts my sin and pushes me to holiness.
Tonight He reminded me of Psalm 130. We see this beautiful progression of the psalmist brokenness over sin, his confession of that sin, his hope found in God amidst his sin, and his assurance of who God is and the work that He does.
Be comforted. He hears you.
I read those words and I'm comforted. I'm comforted because I know I'm not alone and I get to see the progression of a man's sanctification and the Lord's faithfulness to him. I'm comforted because I see the might, sovereignty, and love of God as He graciously handles David.
Sometimes I doubt the Lord hears me. If we're honest, we all do. There are nights that are just so hard; I pray and He doesn't answer. I cry and no one holds me. I ache and the pain doesn't go away. When I allow myself to sink into the pit of that pain, I'm left in this utter dark loneliness. And it's not fun. Just tonight I was talking to the Lord and just cried asking Him why He wasn't listening to a specific prayer of mine. I confessed that I felt like my words fell on deaf ears. It's nights like I had earlier tonight and like I've had in the past, I refer to as "dark nights of the soul." We all have them. David had them over and over in the Psalms. But God never left him alone in that, and He never leaves us alone.
His kindness leads me to repentance...and as His daughter, it doesn't take Him long to sweetly speak to me and lovingly remind me of His promises, that never waver or fade- regardless of my circumstances and regardless of my "feelings" (which we're told in Jeremiah are deceptive). He is faithful. I have no right to question Him or doubt Him, yet He hears me and comforts me. He tenderly speaks to me, holds my tears, and listens to my deepest pains and greatest fears. He confronts my sin and pushes me to holiness.
Tonight He reminded me of Psalm 130. We see this beautiful progression of the psalmist brokenness over sin, his confession of that sin, his hope found in God amidst his sin, and his assurance of who God is and the work that He does.
Be comforted. He hears you.
Out of the depths I cry to You, O LORD! O Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy! If You, O LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness, that You may be feared. I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchman for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning. O Israel, hope in the LORD! For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with Him is p
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