Who are we?
When phrased with the question, "What is your purpose?" or "Why were you created?" or "Whats the point of this earth?" we all know the Sunday School answers. Perhaps we can even sit down with a Bible and explain, in detail, the answers to these questions. So, we know it in our heads. We can give someone else the answer. ~~~~~~~~~~
But do we know this (and live it) in our hearts? Do we (do I) really get it? I was made in the image of God for HIM, not for myself. I don't read the Word to see what I can get out of it; I read it because it's about Him. I read it to KNOW HIM. He didn't create me so that I would be happy and fulfilled here on earth. He didn't create me to be comfortable. He didn't create me with all these passions, desires, needs to end on me. To be fulfilled in this world. Do we get that? Any innate desire that I have, any passion of mine, any need...was given so that I might use those for Him. He gave them to me so that I would see my need for Him. It wasn't meant to end on me. Ever.
He created me so that I would know Him and make Him known, understanding that any true joy and happiness is ONLY found in Him. Do we get that? Do we REALLY get it? He is the only Faithful, the only True. If you've lived life long enough, you know this. This world is temporary and failing. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! Some of us sooner than later. This will ALL end and be NOTHING. When we place our happiness and joy on things of this world, it will create havoc and discontentment. No one - and nothing - was EVER meant to hold our love, hope, and joy. No man or woman, no thing or idea, no possession or comfort - nothing - can ever maintain faithfulness, can ever meet up to our desires or standards or expectations. They were NEVER meant to. Ever. Only Jesus can have that title. This cannot be something we simply say; we MUST LIVE IT. Only Jesus can have that title...
For a believer, this is our hope. We are created in the image of God FOR God. He created us for Him and His glory. And for our good - because, in Christ, is the greatest joy. The greatest hope. The greatest love. Knowing God fulfills us. Knowing God gives us the greatest joy and love and hope we will ever experience in this earth. Knowing this transforms us, from the inside out. Our hearts are alligned with the Word. Our words, our thoughts, our actions line up to Scripture and truth. We mimic Jesus, we mimic those who mimic Jesus. We are so deeply in tune to Him, that we desire obedience, we hate sin, we pursue righteousness, because it gives HIM ALL THE GLORY. Intimate communion with Him, for a believer, means...
When terror strikes, we can say, as David did, "I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." (Psalm 16:8)
When suffering befalls us, we can believe this: "We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." (Romans 5:3-5)
When sin entangles us, we can plead, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit." (Psalm 51:10-11) - AND HE WILL! (1 John 1:9)
When things are "going well" for us, we still say "Whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him..." Philippians 3:7-9
This whole thing. This earth. This life. This galaxy. How big and how great and how tremendous the world is. How vast history is. How detailed orangisms are. EVERYTHING. Our lives. Jesus death. Suffering. Hope. Joy. Birth. Life. Death. Fear. Sin. Redemption. Change. Natural disasters. Cancer. Marriage. Children. Talents. EVERYTHING. Is in the purpose of God for His glory and for His renown.
My life is not my own. It is NOT about me.
God's ultimate purpose for the universe and for all of history, and for your life, is to display the glory of Christ in its highest expression, namely, in His dying to make a rebellious people His everlasting and supremely happy bride. To say it another way, God's ultimate purpose in creating the world and choosing to let it become the sin-wrecked world that it is, is so that the greatness of the glory of Christ could be put on display at Calvary where He bought His rebellious bride at the cost of His life. - John Piper
But do we know this (and live it) in our hearts? Do we (do I) really get it? I was made in the image of God for HIM, not for myself. I don't read the Word to see what I can get out of it; I read it because it's about Him. I read it to KNOW HIM. He didn't create me so that I would be happy and fulfilled here on earth. He didn't create me to be comfortable. He didn't create me with all these passions, desires, needs to end on me. To be fulfilled in this world. Do we get that? Any innate desire that I have, any passion of mine, any need...was given so that I might use those for Him. He gave them to me so that I would see my need for Him. It wasn't meant to end on me. Ever.
He created me so that I would know Him and make Him known, understanding that any true joy and happiness is ONLY found in Him. Do we get that? Do we REALLY get it? He is the only Faithful, the only True. If you've lived life long enough, you know this. This world is temporary and failing. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! Some of us sooner than later. This will ALL end and be NOTHING. When we place our happiness and joy on things of this world, it will create havoc and discontentment. No one - and nothing - was EVER meant to hold our love, hope, and joy. No man or woman, no thing or idea, no possession or comfort - nothing - can ever maintain faithfulness, can ever meet up to our desires or standards or expectations. They were NEVER meant to. Ever. Only Jesus can have that title. This cannot be something we simply say; we MUST LIVE IT. Only Jesus can have that title...
For a believer, this is our hope. We are created in the image of God FOR God. He created us for Him and His glory. And for our good - because, in Christ, is the greatest joy. The greatest hope. The greatest love. Knowing God fulfills us. Knowing God gives us the greatest joy and love and hope we will ever experience in this earth. Knowing this transforms us, from the inside out. Our hearts are alligned with the Word. Our words, our thoughts, our actions line up to Scripture and truth. We mimic Jesus, we mimic those who mimic Jesus. We are so deeply in tune to Him, that we desire obedience, we hate sin, we pursue righteousness, because it gives HIM ALL THE GLORY. Intimate communion with Him, for a believer, means...
When terror strikes, we can say, as David did, "I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." (Psalm 16:8)
When suffering befalls us, we can believe this: "We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." (Romans 5:3-5)
When sin entangles us, we can plead, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit." (Psalm 51:10-11) - AND HE WILL! (1 John 1:9)
When things are "going well" for us, we still say "Whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him..." Philippians 3:7-9
This whole thing. This earth. This life. This galaxy. How big and how great and how tremendous the world is. How vast history is. How detailed orangisms are. EVERYTHING. Our lives. Jesus death. Suffering. Hope. Joy. Birth. Life. Death. Fear. Sin. Redemption. Change. Natural disasters. Cancer. Marriage. Children. Talents. EVERYTHING. Is in the purpose of God for His glory and for His renown.
My life is not my own. It is NOT about me.
God's ultimate purpose for the universe and for all of history, and for your life, is to display the glory of Christ in its highest expression, namely, in His dying to make a rebellious people His everlasting and supremely happy bride. To say it another way, God's ultimate purpose in creating the world and choosing to let it become the sin-wrecked world that it is, is so that the greatness of the glory of Christ could be put on display at Calvary where He bought His rebellious bride at the cost of His life. - John Piper
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